Bender.exe Illustration Progress

       It is I, Warren Pie: The Human. I would like to apologize for posting after a month, but I had a human “Virus” and I wasn’t sure if it would spread to this site. I mean, you guys wouldn’t want a computer virus, would you? At least, that’s how I think computer viruses work.

       I come back with some semi-bad news: I did some humanly procrastination for the first two weeks and the other two weeks were getting all my ideas down on how to do everything; creativity is harder than people think. This does come with some good news: the way I can do the illustrations, it will be very easily for me to pump out the 100-200 illustrations needed to have it completed; at least, in my human mind it seems so.

        So, what do I have to do? I need Illustrations done, some minor animations, Music: if I don’t directly rip it and parody it, Voice over, learn how to compile everything together and I’m sure some other things will pop up. Overall, I have quite a bit of stuff to learn, but I think it should all be done within 2 months.

        With all this being said, I’m going to stay off the grid for another 2 months. Not many people read this, so there is no point wasting more time than needed. You’re more than welcomed to like my Facebook page and talk to me. For I am a lonely human with very little friends and would appreciate the conversations.

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