It is I, Warren Pie: The Human. I don’t understand why I’m posting this since no one views this site, but it seems I have made a minor miscalculation with my Bender.exe story; no one wants to read anymore. With that said, I plan to make my own visuals and use my human voice for Bender.exe. Then I will upload it to that YouTube thing everyone is into. I feel so stupid making this human mistake, but I was thinking about doing this eventually. I was just hoping to be popular by now.
I have done some creepy pasta reading and it appears my Bender.exe story is not a creepy pasta; it’s a troll pasta. I have checked the similarities, it appears the only difference is that one has humor and the other is serious; they both contain poor writing and cliches. I thought at the time I was writing a creepy pasta, but I only read one troll pasta that I thought was a creepy pasta. Also doesn’t help all the problems I encountered, such as me self-sabotaging myself. I’ll keep calling Bender.exe a creepy pasta because it may or may not be based on a true story, hehe. I noticed after I changed, I laugh quite a bit at my Bender.exe story. I never knew that making humor is that easy! Which reminds me of the next subject.
Before I changed about a month and two weeks ago, I had no remorse for what I wrote, but now I feel a little bad on how I handled some of the material. Then I remembered how everything in this world is offensive to everyone; now I feel better. Nonetheless, I have a choice in the future on how I present myself. I’m not entirely sure how I want to act after my change, but I’ll make that decision when I get there.
I hate to inform the one person who keeps visiting my site that I’ll probably stay off the grid for a month. I’ve got a lot to work on how to do animations, edit and put everything together for my YouTube video; doesn’t help that I’m bad at drawing. Nonetheless, you give me hope that people will keep coming back for more and trust me, there will be more!
See you all in a month; unless something unexpected happens. I’ll be checking, but not making posts on here. I’ll respond to comments and do a few minor posts on Facebook.