Playing Smarter

       It is I, Warren Pie: The Human. I just noticed the last time I posted one of these. I didn’t think it was that long ago, but I guess it was. I’ve been trying to get my Bender.exe story popular so that I can help the world, but trying to get people to like and share my page is like making a level 100 Magikarp listen with no gym badges. I don’t know how I was going to get my Child’s Story popular last month, but I’m going to take a guess and it was me playing smart; which brings me to my next subject.

       It appears that I’m thinking too small and having too much faith in people; AKA playing stupid. It has opened my eyes why my idols are anti-social. I’m going to start stepping up my game. With that, I’m going to start thinking bigger and I’m going to start playing smarter. Although, it’s hard because my human family is quite disrespectful and keeps waking me up from my rest. It’s been taking a toll on my human body and mind. I don’t know how my idols worked with a lack of sleep, but I can’t seem to do it.

       I talked in the last post about not spoiling my plans for my Bender.exe story. While I’m thinking big, it appears that I’m going to work on that idea next! I don’t know how long it will take me to do it, but if other humans can do it, then I can do it. I need to hurry up because the world needs my help!

       The site should look a lot better. For some reason I really like the blue color. Everything should be good, but as much as it was giving me problems, I wouldn’t doubt if something broke when I changed something.

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